
ChatGPT 的力量
- 应用程序的当前状态描述。
- 所需的具体更改。
- 任何设计或者UI细节。
- 任何额外的功能或用户流程。
I want to create a JIRA ticket for a task for my iOS app.
I want you to provide me appropriate title.
I want you to provide me a well-defined description along with design links.
The task details and links are explained below.
- My iOS app has a pre-order screen.
- The pre-order screen contains a price summary section.
- In a price summary section we show sales tax amounts; like this: "Tax 99.00 USD"
- Now we need to calculate and show how much % tax is applied; like this: "Tax (25 %) 99.00 USD"
- Tax % calculation needs to be done on the app side using the total amount and tax amount provided by the backend.
- Also we need to show the edit pencil icon/button beside "Tax (25 %)"
- Design for updated pre-order screen: https://www.figma.com/file/bO8U6VQfVRed0qor6kqF9w/Hastens-HRS-Mobile-New?type=design&node-id=7863%3A16250&mode=dev
- Tapping on the edit tax button will initiate the edit sales tax percentage flow.
- The first this will happen is an alert will be shown.
- Alert will have the following text and yes and no buttons.
- Are you sure you want to edit the sales tax as this might have some implications from the tax authority?
- Alert design: https://www.figma.com/file/bO8U6VQfVRed0qor6kqF9w/Hastens-HRS-Mobile-New?type=design&node-id=7863%3A16317&mode=dev
- Tapping on the No button on the alert will dismiss the alert/
- Tapping on the yes button on the alert will dismiss the alert and will navigate from pre-order screen to a new screen to edit the tax percentage
- New edit tax screen design: https://www.figma.com/file/bO8U6VQfVRed0qor6kqF9w/Hastens-HRS-Mobile-New?type=design&node-id=7863%3A16497&mode=dev
- This new edit tax screen has a "New tax" text field and an "Update tax" button.
- The "update tax" button is disabled initially
- It gets enabled only after entering a value in the "new tax" text field
- Tapping on the "update tax" button makes a request to the backend to update tax and shows a loader while the request is in progress.
- The loader design is as follows: https://www.figma.com/file/bO8U6VQfVRed0qor6kqF9w/Hastens-HRS-Mobile-New?type=design&node-id=7863%3A15487&mode=dev
- After the request is done loader gets hidden and we show either an error alert or a success alert.
- Error alert design: https://www.figma.com/file/bO8U6VQfVRed0qor6kqF9w/Hastens-HRS-Mobile-New?type=design&node-id=7863%3A15678&mode=dev
- Success alert design: https://www.figma.com/file/bO8U6VQfVRed0qor6kqF9w/Hastens-HRS-Mobile-New?type=design&node-id=7863%3A15580&mode=dev
- Tapping on the Close button on the error alert dismisses the error alert
- Tapping on the OKay button on the success alert dismisses the error alert and navigates back to the pre-order screen.
- On coming back to the pre-order screen, pre-order details are fetched again to get the new tax amount, which automatically updates the price summary in the pre-order screen.
第三步: 使用结果创建JIRA票据
Implement Sales Tax Percentage Display and Edit Functionality
**Task Details:**
Our iOS app currently features a pre-order screen that includes a price summary section. Within this price summary section, we display sales tax amounts in the following format: "Tax 99.00 USD." We now need to enhance this section to include the percentage of tax applied, like this: "Tax (25 %) 99.00 USD." This percentage calculation should be done within the app itself, utilizing the total amount and tax amount provided by the backend.
**Design Links:**
- Updated Pre-order Screen Design: [Figma Link](https://www.figma.com/file/bO8U6VQfVRed0qor6kqF9w/Hastens-HRS-Mobile-New?type=design&node-id=7863%3A16250&mode=dev)
**Additional Functionality:**
1. A clickable edit pencil icon/button must be added next to "Tax (25 %)."
2. Tapping on the edit tax button should initiate the sales tax percentage editing flow. This begins with the display of an alert containing the following text and "Yes" and "No" buttons:
"Are you sure you want to edit the sales tax percentage, as this may have implications from the tax authority?"
**Alert Design:** [Figma Link](https://www.figma.com/file/bO8U6VQfVRed0qor6kqF9w/Hastens-HRS-Mobile-New?type=design&node-id=7863%3A16317&mode=dev)
3. Selecting "No" on the alert should dismiss it, while selecting "Yes" should dismiss the alert and navigate to a new screen for editing the tax percentage.
4. The new edit tax screen should include a "New tax" text field and an initially disabled "Update tax" button. The button becomes enabled only after a value is entered in the "New tax" text field.
5. Tapping on the "Update tax" button initiates a request to the backend to update the tax percentage and displays a loader while the request is in progress.
**Loader Design:** [Figma Link](https://www.figma.com/file/bO8U6VQfVRed0qor6kqF9w/Hastens-HRS-Mobile-New?type=design&node-id=7863%3A15487&mode=dev)
6. After the request is completed, the loader is hidden, and either an error alert or a success alert is displayed, depending on the outcome.
**Error Alert Design:** [Figma Link](https://www.figma.com/file/bO8U6VQfVRed0qor6kqF9w/Hastens-HRS-Mobile-New?type=design&node-id=7863%3A15678&mode=dev)
**Success Alert Design:** [Figma Link](https://www.figma.com/file/bO8U6VQfVRed0qor6kqF9w/Hastens-HRS-Mobile-New?type=design&node-id=7863%3A15580&mode=dev)
7. Tapping the "Close" button on the error alert should dismiss it, and tapping "OK" on the success alert should dismiss it and navigate back to the pre-order screen.
8. Upon returning to the pre-order screen, retrieve pre-order details to obtain the new tax amount, which should automatically update the price summary.
谢谢 🙏