使用Chat GPT-4辅助开发的iOS应用开发经验 (#2)
我是一名安卓开发者,从未接触过iOS,但是在Chat GPT的帮助下,我正在构建自己安卓应用Uncover的完整iOS版本。
这里是该系列介绍的链接 - https://medium.com/@andrzej.ryl/my-experience-building-an-ios-app-with-the-help-of-chat-gpt-4-intro-dc5e402a6ea8
上一次我完成了一个工作的闪屏界面,在2秒后导航到启动引导界面。看起来不错,但跟我在 Android 应用程序中实际使用的逻辑没有什么关系,所以是时候进行一些真正的编码了。
想法很简单 - 我们展示一个闪屏,打我的后端端点,下载一些初始数据(包括指定后端是否处于维护状态的信息),将其保存在数据库中,然后根据用户状态导航到7个屏幕/弹出窗口中的一个:-如果BE正在维护,则为后端维护屏幕-如果应用程序的版本不受支持,则需要应用程序更新弹出窗口-如果用户第一次使用应用程序,则为入门屏幕-如果用户未登录,则为登录屏幕-如果用户匿名登录并且他没有接受当前版本的使用条款,则为使用条款弹出窗口-如果出现任何问题,则为错误屏幕-否则为主屏幕
我以为我有一个简单的应用程序 ?
Hi. Can you help me do a network call to my backend in Swift?
I am an experienced Android Developer so you can describe it to me
in reference to Retrofit library from Android.
I'm building iOS app in Swift and Swift UI targeting iOS 15.
If you don't know something, please ask or simply tell me. Don't lie
他的回复非常详细。他清楚地比较了 Retrofit 和 Swift 的 URLSession,向我解释了如何将对象序列化/反序列化为 JSON(在 iOS 世界中称为编码和解码),以及如何连接所有内容以获取我的响应。
// Models
struct InitialDataReponse: Codable {
let isBeAvailable: Bool
let minAndroidAppVersion: Int
let currentTermsOfUseVersion: Int
let appVersions: [AppVersionResponse]
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case isBeAvailable = "is_be_available"
case minAndroidAppVersion = "min_android_app_version"
case currentTermsOfUseVersion = "current_terms_of_use_version"
case appVersions = "app_versions"
struct AppVersionResponse: Codable {
let id: String
let name: String
let versionCode: Int
let priority: Int
let description: String
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case id = "id"
case name = "name"
case versionCode = "version_code"
case priority = "priority"
case description = "description"
// UncoverApi (something like Retrofit interface for all endpoints)
import Foundation
enum UncoverApi {
case initialData
var path: String {
switch self {
case .initialData:
var url: URL {
let backendURL = Config.shared.backendURL!
let urlString = backendURL + self.path
return URL(string: urlString)!
// UncoverServiceApi (something like built Retrofit instance)
import Foundation
class UncoverApiService {
func getInitialData(
completion: @escaping (Result<InitialDataReponse, Error>) -> Void
) {
from: UncoverApi.initialData.url.absoluteString,
completion: completion
他甚至很好心地帮我轻松地找出了我的错别字。我在我的AppVersionResponse模型中打错了一个字段,XCode给我返回了一个不太有用的错误信息“Type‘AppVersionResponse’ does not conform to protocol‘Decodable’”。我只是把我的模型复制到聊天里面,告诉他这个错误,他立刻告诉我一个字段错拼了? 我认为将Chat集成到XCode将成为我们iOS朋友的一大利器 ? Android Studio做得更好。
I want to have a repository between interactor and apiservice.
This repository should call ApiService method, map model to domain one
and then return it through callback to interactor
protocol Repository {
func getAppVersion(
completion: @escaping (Result<AppVersion, Error>) -> Void
class AppVersionRepository: Repository {
private let apiService: APIService
init(apiService: APIService) {
self.apiService = apiService
func getAppVersion(completion: @escaping (Result<AppVersion, Error>) -> Void) {
apiService.fetch(from: .appVersion) { (result: Result<AppVersionResponse, Error>) in
switch result {
case .success(let response):
let appVersion = self.mapToDomainModel(response: response)
case .failure(let error):
private func mapToDomainModel(response: AppVersionResponse) -> AppVersion {
return AppVersion(id: response.id, name: response.name, versionCode: response.versionCode, priority: response.priority, description: response.description)
Received JSON:

这里要注意的一件重要事情是,在这个过程中,Chat又犯了一个错误。他最初提供了错误的代码来构建 100% 确定的绝对 URL。
var url: URL {
var urlComponents = URLComponents()
urlComponents.scheme = "https"
urlComponents.host = "yourapi.com"
urlComponents.path = self.path
return urlComponents.url!
// Looking back at the code for the API enum, it seems I made an error.
// The url computed property is incorrectly defined.
// It creates a new URL instance each time it's called, rather
// than appending to a base URL.
// Here's how you can modify the API enum to correctly append the path
// to your base URL:
var url: URL {
let backendURL = Config.shared.backendURL!
let urlString = backendURL + self.path
return URL(string: urlString)!
Hi. Can you help me with saving and retrieving data in Swift
from local storage? I am an experienced Android Developer so you
can describe it to me in reference to SharedPreferences library from Android.
I'm building iOS app in Swift and Swift UI targeting iOS 15.
If you don't know something, please ask or simply tell me.
Don't lie or try to guess. I want you to only show the code that you
are certain is going to work
This information is up-to-date and relevant to your target of iOS 15
as of my training cut-off in September 2021. If Apple has introduced
new APIs or libraries for managing local storage after that time,
I would recommend checking the latest documentation or resources online.
// ME
let's say the version is "1.2.0" - can I parse this to retrieve
major, minor and patch numbers as ints?
Yes, you can parse a version string to retrieve the major,
minor, and patch numbers as Int. Here's how you can do it in Swift:
let version = "1.2.0"
let versionComponents = version.split(separator: ".").compactMap { Int($0) }
if versionComponents.count == 3 {
let major = versionComponents[0]
let minor = versionComponents[1]
let patch = versionComponents[2]
print("Major: \(major), Minor: \(minor), Patch: \(patch)")
- 应用程序以闪屏开始。
- 它向后端发出一个调用请求
- 在本地存储中保存所需数据
- 增加应用打开计数器
- 检查来自服务器和本地保存数据的初始数据混合(版本号和应用打开计数)。
- 决定显示哪个屏幕
我不得不说这次工作进展得很顺利。我不确定是因为我将聊天分成了两个部分(一个用于网络,一个用于本地数据),而不是在一个聊天中完成所有工作,还是因为任务变得更加简单了。尽管如此,这次我在很短的时间内取得了一些很酷的进展。我不得不说我开始有希望了 ?

我们会等到多久呢 ?